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Searching datasets from Datasets page

In this section, you will learn how to search datasets on Datasets page.

Open Datasets page

Firstly, please open Datasets page from here as new tab or new window.

Then, select Datasets tab if you signed in. If you do not sign in, tabs are not shown.

Elements on Datasets page

The major elements on Datasets page is shown the following figure.

Elements on Datasets page
Figure 1: Elements on Datasets page

The components on dataset page are as follows. Each number of description is corresponded to the number on the above figure.

  1. Datasets tab: Switch between datasets and my data. The number in brackets show the number of datasets on the result table.
  2. Text filter: Type any keywords to search datasets
  3. Show only your own datasets if enabled
  4. Show only your favorite datasets if enabled
  5. Show only satellite imagery datasets if enabled
  6. Filter by selected SDGs
  7. Filter by selected countries
  8. Various tag filteration: At the top-right of the table, you can do advanced tag filtration or search settings.
  9. Sorting order option:
  10. The number of items per page
  11. View type: Select a view type from Card, List or Map
  12. Search result: The result of datasets search is shown as Card view or List view or Map view.
  13. Pagination is shown if the result has more than one page.

Card view

When you select Card in the segment buttons of top-right of search result, the result will be represented as a Card view. Thie view type can be useful for you to check datasets with a preview image. The random layer style will be applied to a preview image if there is no default style saved.

Card view search
Figure 2: Card view search

List view

When you select List in the segment buttons of top-right of search result, the result will be represented as a List view. This view type might be useful for you to explore some detailed metadata for each result quickly.

List view search
Figure 3: List view search

The following properties are shown as List view.

  • Dataset name: the title of dataset
  • Description: the description of dataset.
  • SDG: The numbers of SDG goal will be shown if the dataset is linked to them.
  • License: Data license is shown
  • Updated at: the datetime when owner updated last time
  • Star icon: The state of whether you add this dataset to your favourite. You can also click the icon to favourite from the list view directly.

If you click a row of the table, you can move to an individual dataset page for further actions.

Map view

When you select Map in the segment buttons of top-right of search result, the result will be represented as a Map view. This view type can be helpful for you to explore datasets from geospatial locations.

Map view search
Figure 4: Map view search


A popup will be shown when you click a blue highlighted polygon to see the title and description of datasets. You can move to an individual data page from the link on a popup.


The most of datasets on GeoHub are global datasets, that means this Map view may not be very useful to search. In such case, you can tick the checkbox of Hide global/satellite datasets from the map on the top-left corner of the map. Global datasets will be exluded from Map view if you do so.

Explore by Tags


The Explore by tags option allows the user to filter their search even further.Each tag can be expanded to niche levels of filtering which allows the user to obtain the most specific data they require.


The option of selecting Match all selected tags (AND search) will allow the user to select multiple tags and obtain results for all or the user can select the Match at least a tag selected (OR search) will allow the search to generate results at least one of the tags used.


There is also the advance filtering options of searching results based on the following expandable options;

  • Admin Level: Data sets devided based on Administrative boundaries can be filtered via this filter.
  • Resolution : Based on the level of granularity of data sets it can be filtered via the resolution option.
  • Year :Data sets can be filtered based on the year of data collection.
  • SDG Topic :Assigned Sustainable Development Goal.


  • Theme :Based on the assigned theme for the data set.
  • Schema :Ability to filter data based on the database organization.
  • Data Provider: Filter data sets by the source of data collection.
  • GIS Server :Associated cloud service server which hosts data.

Next step

In next section, we are going to learn how to search dataset at Map page.