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GIS and developmentΒΆ

The role of GIS in development projects undertaken by UNDP is constantly increasing mainly due to incresed availability of spatial data as well as easy access to computatinoal resources.

Within UNDP GIS are used mainly in specific thematic areas like spatial planning and infrastructure development where they help identifying suitable locations for infrastructure projects such as roads, schools, hospitals, and water supply systems.

GIS are indispensible for disaster risk reduction and resilience where they are extensively used to (1) curate geospatial data and (2) support the development of spatial information systems through the data models, spatial analysis operations as well as visualizations.

GIS helps with tracking the spread of diseases, analyzing healthcare access, and identifying areas with high health risks. It facilitates the mapping of disease outbreaks, vaccination coverage, and healthcare infrastructure to support public health interventions and disease prevention strategies in the field of public health and epidemiological research.

In the area of climate change adaptation and mitigation GIS is used to assess the impacts of climate change, model future scenarios, and develop adaptation strategies. It supports vulnerability mapping, climate risk assessment, and decision-making processes related to climate-resilient infrastructure and resource management.

GIS enables the analysis of socioeconomic indicators such as income levels, education, and access to basic services. It supports poverty mapping, targeting of development interventions, and monitoring progress towards poverty alleviation goals just to name some of the goals pursued by projects related to poverty alleviation and socioeconomic development.

Overall, GIS serves as a valuable tool for supporting evidence-based decision making, enhancing coordination among stakeholders, and promoting sustainable development in various sectors addressed by UNDP.