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Sign in to GeoHub


GeoHub can provide basic features to unsigned users, but you can sign in to GeoHub in order to use all amazing functionalities in GeoHub.


In the top-right of the window, you can find signin button which allows you to signin to GeoHub through dropdown menu.

Dropdown menu to navigate sign in page (Desktop)
Figure 1: Dropdown menu to navigate sign in page (Desktop)


Once you click SIGN IN button, it will be redirected to sign in page.

Sign in page
Figure 2: Sign in page


In this page, two ways of authentication are provided as follows:

UN agencies staff


If you are from one of UN agencies, GeoHub offers B2C login services to allow staffs to login to GeoHub. Continue clicking UN AGENCIES ACCOUNT button, you will be redirected to B2C login page.

B2C login page
Figure 3: B2C login page


  • UNDP users: Please click UNDP Users and Guests to proceed.
  • Other UN agencies users: Please click UNDP Partners using Microsoft 365 to proceed.
  • UNFPA and UNOPS users: Please click your organization button to proceed

You will be redirected to your agency's login page, you may be asked to do two factors authentication. Once you succeed to login, you will be redirected to the previous page.


Admin approval error

Some of UN agencies may require admin approval, and you may get the following error. Please contact your agency's IT admin to approve GeoHub app to allow to login through their Azure Active Directory.

Needs admin approval (in case of UNICEF)
Figure 4: Needs admin approval (in case of UNICEF)

GitHub users


If you have an account in GitHub, you can sign in with your account. Continue clicking GITHUB ACCOUNT button to login through GitHub. You may need additional two factors authentication depending on your setting. Once signin is done, you will be redirected to the previous page.

After signining in


Once you have signed in to GeoHub, you will be able to see your initials (UN users) or your profile image (GitHub users) at the top-right of window. Then, you will be able to sign out or going to customize some settings.

User dropdown menu after signing in
Figure 5: User dropdown menu after signing in



You can log-out at any time by clicking on your user icon and selecting Sign Out (see the above screenshot).